Something new:
1.Proof using contrapositive
2.Proof using contradiction
3.Proof for existence
4.Proof about a sequence
Something enjoyable:
learned to use contrapositive when the reverse direction is easier to prove than the original.
learned to proof layer by layer when facing a problem containing several different structures.
Something frustrating:
1.TERM TEST: Although prof. Zhang said that it wouldn't be too bad if I did bad in the test, I’m still worrying about it.
2.Structures of proof: Still not quite familiar with them. It’s difficult for me to separate the proof into different parts.(like which part belongs to which assumption blablabla…)
2.Practice, Practice and Practice.
Material covered those weeks:
Not bad. Only need to practice the proof structure more.
Got full mark on quiz3.(Hope my term test’s result is as good as quiz’s!)
pretty good~ I can always get some new understanding after each tutorial!
That's all for my week5. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!