
SLOG for week7

Something new: 
1.Proof by cases
2.Review of proofs
3.Algorithm Analysis and Asymptotic Notation

Something enjoyable:
The rage comic Professor Zhang used in the slides really gave me a relief from the pressure when facing so many confusing proofs.

Something frustrating:
1.Bad performing in Assignment 1.
2.The proofs in class are getting more and more difficult.
3.Still a little confused in worst-case time complexity.

1.Compare my solutions with the sample solutions to find the mistakes and try my best to correct them.
2.Practice my proving skill through Assignment 2.
3.Rereading the slides and discuss it with friends.

Material covered those weeks:
Much more difficult than before so needs more attention.

Not too much. But I will try to do well in Assignment 2 and upcoming term test!

Not bad.

That's all for my week7. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!


SLOG for week6

Something new: 
1.Proof about non-boolean functions
2.Proof something false
3.Proof about limits

Something enjoyable:
After seeing more proof in class, I got a further understanding about proof structure which confused me last week. 

Something frustrating:
LIMIT: Actually, the reason is that I didn’t learn this part well in my math course. So I found it’s quite difficult for me to write a proof about limit.

I will keep working on understanding Limits and do more exercise about it.

Material covered those weeks:
All of them except the Limits part(Math problem).

I did pretty well in Term Test 1!

No tutorial this week.

That's all for my week6. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!


SLOG for week5

Something new: 
1.Proof using contrapositive
2.Proof using contradiction
3.Proof for existence
4.Proof about a sequence

Something enjoyable:
learned to use contrapositive when the reverse direction is easier to prove than the original.
learned to proof layer by layer when facing a problem containing several different structures.

Something frustrating:
1.TERM TEST: Although prof. Zhang said that it wouldn't be too bad if I did bad in the test, I’m still worrying about it.
2.Structures of proof: Still not quite familiar with them. It’s difficult for me to separate the proof into different parts.(like which part belongs to which assumption blablabla…)

2.Practice, Practice and Practice.

Material covered those weeks:
Not bad. Only need to practice the proof structure more.

Got full mark on quiz3.(Hope my term test’s result is as good as quiz’s!)

pretty good~ I can always get some new understanding after each tutorial!

That's all for my week5. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!


SLOG for week4

Something new: 
3.Mix quantifiers
4.Proof(Why, What, How, Structure)

Something enjoyable:
learned how to translate a bi-implication into symbolic language with conjunctions and disjunctions. It’s really an efficient way to figure out the relation between predicates
which helps a lot when making a proof.

Something frustrating:
1.Assignment 1: Question 4 confused me a lot since I just could not understand the purpose of it.
2.Preparing for the term test!

1.I discussed with my friends who also take CSC165. Although all of us were not pretty sure about it, we still made a further progress on it. I will read the sample solution posted on the course website carefully and try to understand it thoroughly.

Material covered those weeks:
Since I reviewed them for the term test, I’m quite confident about them.

Got full mark on quiz2 and made an aid sheet for the term test.

pretty good~

That's all for week4. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!