
SLOG for week10

Something new: 
1. Big-Ω proof
2. Big-O proofs for general functions
3. Introduction to computability

Something enjoyable:
Finally be able to use magic breakpoint B and under-estimation and over-estimation to give proof on big-Oh and big-Omega problems even when they are general.

Something frustrating:
1. Did bad in term test 2.
2. Still don’t totally get the halting problem and have some difficulty to apply reduction to a specific problem.

1. Review the proving method thoroughly and practice more especially on ‘floor’ problem.
2. Ask my friends for help and read the slides again and again.

Material covered those weeks:
After some practice in class, the big-Oh & big-Omega part is not a problem anymore. However, computability is quite confusing for me now.

Not too much. Did bad in term test 2…

Fortunately, I thought I did bad in last quiz but the result is pretty nice.

That's all for my week10. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!


SLOG for week9

Something new: 
1. Exercises of big-Oh proofs
2.Prove big-Oh using limit techniques

Something enjoyable:
I’ve tried my best to find something enjoyable in this lecture. Unfortunately, I failed.

Something frustrating:
EVERYTHING! Picking c and B to show the bounding relation for some complicated polynomial functions and using limit to prove on some non-polynomial function, both of them are miserable. Tortures, literally.
And I think I did really bad in this term test…

Read the slides again and again then pray for the power from GOD.

Material covered those weeks:
Too many mathematical skills involving in this part gets me crazy.

Not too much.

The quiz in this week’s tutorial is quite difficult since the explanation is hard to figure out.

That's all for my week9. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!


SLOG for week8

Something new: 
1. Formal definition of O, Ω 
2.Worst-case analyses of two algorithms.
3.Problem solving session

Something enjoyable:
Finally understand ‘O’ ‘Ω’ ‘Θ’ and know how to use their definitions to give some proof.
Be able to figure out insertion sort worst-case running time.

Something frustrating:
The python program of insertion sort and maximum slice are quite confusing. It’s difficult for me to calculate the worst-case running time of them.
Try it in python and try to understand the result of each step. Of course, practice more!

Material covered those weeks:
With more mathematics and python programing, it became much more difficult and this concerns me a lot.

Not too much.

I think it was bad since I’m not pretty sure about the proof structure I used in quiz.

That's all for my week8. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!