
SLOG for week3

Something new: 
1.Conjunctions and Disjunctions
3.Truth tables
4.Manipulation laws

Something enjoyable:
learned how to use truth tables which are much more efficient than venn diagram when facing more than 2 predicates.

Something frustrating:
Not too much. Since I’ve learned most of this week’s materials in high school. However memorizing numerous laws is quite difficult even after understanding and verifying.

Got full mark on quiz1(I’m not sure if it is an achievement…)

Not bad. Our TA helped us review some materials covered in last week which strengthened our understanding of the knowledge.

That's all for week3. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!


SLOG for week1&2

Something new: 
Week 1:1.How to translate human language into computer language.(such as Python code)
             2.A systematic methodology of problem solving(by George Polya)
Week 2:1.Use quantifications in different ways.(especially Visualizing a statement by Venn    Diagram)
             2.Difference between sentence and statement.
             3.Use predicates to simplify statements.
             5.Write a SLOG!!!

Something enjoyable:
Week1:The streetcar drama(ingenious example which taught me how to find clues through casual words.)
Week2:Not too much, sorry~

Something frustrating:
1.Without doubt, SLOG!!!This is my first time writing a blog and it’s obvious not an easy task…
2.Sometimes figuring out the assumption and conclusion in an implication is quite hard for me(eg. when ‘without’ shows up)

1.Since it counts for my GPA, I will bear it with a smile.(^^ good game)
2.Recite the formulas teacher gave us and try to understand them.

Material covered those weeks:
Quite confident with most of them and I will try my best to handle the rest.

such a big word…


pretty good~Our TA is nice and patient.(Not fawning on.LOL)

That's all for my first two weeks. If anyone has suggestions for me on writing a SLOG, please leave me a comment and I'll appreciate it! Thanks a million!